11.19.24 - The Small Internet, thoughts on writing, and building community
I read this post that was getting some attention on hacker news that I enjoyed a lot. The Small Internet has Already Succeeded
It's a great read and better than anything I'll write for the best of this post, so read it.
Here are some quick reflections on my part:
-I'd like to enhance this blog's connectivity with other blogs and small time writers, as I slowly improve and build out my content. I haven't had the bandwidth to do what I really want with this site, but the whole point of this project is to "just do things" and not wait around for perfect. But I think after finals I'll have some time to think slightly more strategically.
-Right now the blog is written very selfishly (with the exception of a few posts), where I just blow off some intellectual steam. But there are things I could write about that are actually useful to others
-This site is a public notebook of sorts, so the selfish writing must continue, but I am going to try and add more useful stuff. I'm actually a little bit smart and have techcnical knowledge in some areas. So I could document some of that here.
-I may also try and upload my actual school notes and outlines. Right now, the only thing that has stopped me is the fear of being doxxed, because it would be relatively easy to figure out what school I went to and what professors I had from my materials. But I guess does it really matter? I'm not the unabomber or anything.
-On anonymity, I like it because it allows me to be less careful. Especially entering the legal profession, I just don't want to think about reputational risks. People are too lame to let you just be you and be dumb on the internet.
-On building community online, I think that goes to my earlier reflection on selfishness. I have to offer more of my useful thoughts here. Again, after finals, I'll likely publish more law school guide type content. ---
In other news:
-I am increasingly even less excited about the Trump administriation than I was initially. From what I'm seeing, it's just going to be chaos, with few redeeming features.
-DOGE, while it seemed cool at first, now seems like it will be fucking stupid. Elon keeps tweeting about dumb shit like how we fund pure science research. It's just dumb. That's small and usually very useful spending!
The GOP is an iredeemable cult. Which means its time to rebuild the democratic party. I want the wokeism wars to end, and the party to settle into a comfortable cultural identity. I'm glad to see a very robust discussion on purging the activists/non-profits/Groups that attach themselves to the party. I've worked with the Groups. Its time to fucking put them in their place. The Democratic party should no longer be a confederation of special interests and pressure groups. There needs to be a more coherent brand and theory.
That's all the rambling I've got today, probably. Law school is busy.