12.18.24 - Quote from my GF (who stole it from Pascal?)
I posted this on Reddit and it got some traction in the r/lawschool community:
after every exam season I generally get waves of dread. once the result is out of my control I get this come down from the adrenaline and get somewhat sad. This is my third go around as a 2L and I'm remembering something my girlfriend says:
If you don't worry, and you did bad, you suffer once
If you worry about it, and you did bad, you suffer twice
if you worry about it, and you did good, you suffered for no reason
if you don't worry about it, and you did good, you didn't suffer
is it helpful? kind of. do I follow this advice? almost never at all. but its nice to hear.
**edit: My gf did in fact adapt this from Pascal's wager. I did not know this.
One commenter amusingly pointed out that someone actually stole this and used it on a LinkedIn post. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7274423105899405312/
So that's pretty funny!