
by RP

I don't know who on earth would want a newsletter from this site. But I plan to keep on writing, and I refuse to use anything like Substack and I'm not going to post everything on reddit or twitter. Expect more writing on law school, the legal profession, book reviews, and semi-lucid commentary on politics this election cycle. My goal is to create a fun little community of microblogging lawyers that share thoughts and email each other.

Filling out the form below adds your email address to a google sheet I will use for email blasts for each new post.

Not that people are terribly protective of their email addresses, and all those sites you sign up for DO sell your info, but for what it's worth, I'm literally just some guy, and all you will get are emails from me. Pinky swear. No coupons no ads, not selling nothing. So sign up, it could be cool. Maybe. I don't know.