
by RP

Four black & white photos

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All taken with Kodak TMax 400. 50mm lens. Summer 2024.

The three landscape photos were taken very close together, when I was on the way to visit a friend. They were taken somewhere in rural Maryland, close to the border of Pennsylvania.

It was a uniqely pretty sunset, and I wanted to capture it on the black and white film I just bought, and what I think is interesting is that it looks almost like a storm when captured on Black and White. Without te beautiful ambers in the sky that evening thhe vibe is completley different.

Overall I'm exceptionally happy with how these photos turned out. The BW film is really gorgeous and captured impressive detail. It has really deep blacks

The photo of the cat is interesting because it seems like something happened to the actual film, like it got stretched or something. I do recall this was the last bit of film, and I think I remember feeling a tug when I tried to advance it again. It was either that or something happened during the development process? Either way, there are some weird streaks here, but it makes the photo interesting and reminds you how physical, almost scultupral of an artform film photography is.